We would like you to fully satisfy all the products you purchased from RADOSPORTS. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the product, ordering error or change your mind, we will accept returns up to 30 days after purchase. We can refund the purchase price or exchange those products if the following conditions are met:

Other than custom or special order basketballs, we accept returns of new, unused, unfitted products that you've bought from us. Special order basketballs are manufactured individually and are not refundable. Such orders cannot be canceled once payment has been made.

Our products are in high demand and if you send back the item you want to exchange, there is no guarantee we will have what you want at that time.
If the product is in stock, we will ship within 2 working days, if not, we will arrange to manufacture as soon as possible. Please wait patiently. Thank you for understanding.

If you request a refund, the purchase price will be refunded to you using the original payment method, once we have received the returned item back and confirmed that it meets conditions above. So make sure you post it back to us in good time.
Original shipping fees are non-refundable. And you are in charge of any costs associated with returning the product (such as return shipping or customs duties).


If we issue an incorrect order (first, sorry, this is our bad), we will refund the full amount (including delivery charges) or provide the replacement within a reasonable time.
If you believe you have received an incorrect item, please contact us within 24 hours of receiving your package.

Contact us by email before returning the product. We will provide the return address and the shipping value you need to write and returns reference number that you will need to quote back to us.